"WE" are a group of volunteers serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, veterans and experienced professionals who have come together to assist, train and advise potential international volunteer recruits for the army. By scouting out the best recruits and simplifying the enlistment procedures to connect you to the best unit to feel at home in TEAM UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL has earned its positive reputation by going out of our way to provide simple accurate information/assistance for those volunteering to serve in Ukraine. We understand YOUR needs and aim our TIME AND EFFORT to ensure your efficient enlistment. We are not an entity of the Ukrainian Govt/Military nor any Govt/Military. We are working independently as volunteers. This is a non profit project and we work free of charge. We use our time and knowledge to assist those who have decided to join the fight. Read on to learn more about what we can do for you.
All of our services exist to make the enlistment process easier and stress free. You can trust us to supply you with official trusted links and contact information to join various units within the Ukrainian Military/Foreign Volunteer Units as well as information on what you can expect, what you might need to bring, frequently asked questions concerning equipment, training, clothing, footwear and lots of solid accurate knowledge to prepare you for your journey into Ukraine. Also, feel free to contact our live human agent 24/7 if you need further assistance by hitting the chat button on the bottom right of the page.
The International Legion for the Defense of Ukraine (ILDU) is the main unit of the Ukrainian military that is made up of foreign volunteers. Below is a link to the official website with instructions on how to join as well as an FAQ, links and lots of good information.
3rd Assault Brigade was formed in November of 2022 from some of Ukraine's most elite units including AZOV.
3rd AB currently accepts foreign volunteers. Below is a link to the official 3rd AB website. It incudes an English version, FAQ, enlistment forms/instructions with contact information.
What kind of people are being accepted?EXPERIENCE is a plus and will almost always get you accepted. The older you are the more experience and skills they are going to want to see. They accept guys with no experience but theyr going to want them to mostly be the younger guys they see physically and mentally fit for a battlefield. Experience mostly means military or combat but also includes 1st responder experience (law enforcement, firefighter, paramedic etc). Paramilitary experience, weapons training and relevant skills to a battlefield are a plus. Of course theyr going to need other things like IT guys, pilots, drone experts etc but more than anything they need common infantry men.
Can I skip the process and just show up in Ukraine?NO!!! However, IF and ONLY IF YOU ARE A SEASONED MILTARY VETERAN between the ages of 21 and 55 and YOU KNOW your bringing heavy weight to the table contact us and we can get you some special treatment and you can "skip the line" so to speak. Everyone else, your going to need to apply and be accpeted before traveling to Ukraine. DO NOT EVER TRAVEL TO UKRAINE WITHOUT BEING INVITED!!!
What is the pay scale/rate?The rate is monthly, the scale is: - $3,300 for FRONTLINE COMBAT. - $1,200 for further back away from the front lines. - $600 for safe zones.
Will they pay for my passport or travel expenses?NO!!! NEVER!!! You must be able to buy your own passport and travel tickets. You must also be able to enter into Ukraine on your own (which we will gladly help you do).
After I send my application – what happens next?We review the formal aspects of your application and if everything is OK we inform you that your application will be sent to the units. Then the units review your file and get back to us. If you were selected – you will be informed on how to contact the unit directly for a final interview with one of your future commanders or with a recruiter from the unit.
How long do I have to wait for a reply and what to do if I did not receive a reply?Usually, we reply to your first email within 14 days. If you haven’t received a reply at all – please email us again or try reaching out on social media. After we confirm that your file has been offered to the units it takes roughly 21 days for enough units to see your file to draw a conclusion on whether your chances to be accepted are high enough. So: 14 days for the first reply, 21 days for the second. Please do not inquire about the status of your submission before that.
Should I bring anything with me? If yes – what?You will get all the basics: uniform, weapons, body armor, helmet, boots, etc. But if you want anything fancy, specialized, or tailored to fit you personally – bring it with you. We can recommend buying top-tier lightweight combat boots, trekking socks, high-quality tourniquets, lightweight carbide or ceramic IV-level plates, red dots, and a headset or at least noise-canceling headphones. Also, bring additional mags once you know what weapons you are issued in the unit that accepted you. Make sure to check your local regulations if you are allowed to carry those items. And please do not start buying things you do not need before you are approved by a unit.
How long is the contract? Can I terminate it?The contract is 3 years long and can be prolonged automatically. Yes, you can terminate it on your own, but not during a combat deployment.
What languages do I need to speak to be able to join?As of right now, we only accept people who understand either English or Ukrainian.
How do I travel to Ukraine?You will be provided all the details on how to get to Ukraine and to which city in particular after you are accepted by the unit.
Do I get compensation in the case of injury or fatality?Yes. Injured soldiers get free medical treatment and a special payout in a case of disability. Families of the fallen soldiers receive a 15 mil UAH compensation, which loosely converts to over $400 000. The immediate family of the fallen will have to open bank accounts and submit the necessary documents in Ukraine and receive the compensation. Disabled soldiers have tiered payouts which can be found here in Ukrainian:
Can you issue me a visa, travel document or a signed contract?We do not issue visas or any other clauses that can be used to travel to EU or Ukraine. You have to have an opportunity to legally enter Ukraine on your own, which usually is not a problem for most people.
Do I need to address consulate/embassy?No, that information is long time expired (it used to be that way in the early stages of the war). Now the best way to apply is to send us an email at
What roles can foreigners occupy in the Ukrainian military?The only limit is that foreigners can not occupy officers’ positions. Other than that – all roles are open. However, some things require some knowledge of local customs and the Ukrainian language. For example, positions of clerks, lawyers, logistics officers, surgeons, etc. Usually, your exact role will be determined after the training process, but you should specify in your email application if you have any preferences.
Will I get some training?Yes. Depending on the unit and on your skills. Some candidates are fresh from the military and can be deployed after a week or two of getting to know the command structure, the comms, etc. Others need more extensive training that can take up to 6 weeks.
Can I become a resident or a citizen of Ukraine due to my service?Yes, your contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be used as a legal reason to apply for residency and the residency is a pathway to citizenship. Also, there are several legislative initiatives to streamline the process of getting citizenship for proven foreign veterans.
You can help us to raise funds and support various needs like:
- Aid
- Gear
- Emergency Relief
- Drones
- Vehicle
- Equipment
- Maintenance
- Project expenses.
We have set the donation links up as follows:
If you would like to donate an amount not listed, or if you are interested in sponsoring a soldier please contact us privately for a customized link, do it by cicking the button bellow:
Thank You & Slava Ukraini!!!!